We are very happy to share with you some images of the INCLUDED final event, yesterday at the University of Trento.
We also want to thank for their participation the face-to-face participants, and all those who joined us online!
Digital Storytelling for Inclusion
We are very happy to share with you some images of the INCLUDED final event, yesterday at the University of Trento.
We also want to thank for their participation the face-to-face participants, and all those who joined us online!
INCLUDED promoters are: European Commission (Erasmus+), University of Trento (Italy), European University of Madrid (Spain), Comprehensive Institute 3, Modena (Italy), Computer Learning (Italy), A LA PAR Foundation (Spain), & Rovastinkankaan koulu (Finland).
School of Biomedical Sciences, European University of Madrid. Calle Tajo S/N. (Urb. El Bosque), Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid), 28670 Spain.
Phone : +34 913 230 839
Email : info@includedeurope.eu