A perspective on good practices from the Erasmus + INCLUDED international project.
INCLUDED Multiplier Event in Italy
- Thursday 13/10/2022 from 16:00 to 19:00 at IPRASE, Rovereto.
- Target audience: kindergarten and primary school teachers, educators, pedagogues, cultural operators, digital animators, managers, researchers, representatives of local educational authorities
- Mode: in presence, with remote real-time transmission
The workshop represents an opportunity for training and reflection about how new digital tools and languages used through a narrative-theatrical approach can be good support for inclusion for students ranging from educational weaknesses to students with special educational needs. The workshop directs to professionals working in educational institutions in childhood. This seminar will be an opportunity to get to know and discuss the training actions and good practices developed within the Erasmus + INCLUDED transnational research-educational action project “Inclusive education in childhood through digital storytelling” promoted by the European Commission through institutions belonging to three European countries: Spain (European University of Madrid, A LA PAR Foundation), Italy (University of Trento, Istituto Comprensivo Modena 3, Computer Learning Cooperative Society) and Finland (primary school of Orivesi, Rovastinkankaan koulu). The meeting will also be an opportunity for reflection on the state of the art of media education practices promoted in childhood, with particular reference to the local area.
- 16:00: Participant welcome
- 16:30:
- Introduction to Erasmus+ INCLUDED Summary of the project plan and activities carried out. Teacher training, between blended and face-to-face activities. Federico Albiero. Trainer and designer, Computer Learning.
- Tangible digital storytelling: new instruments for inclusion. INCLUDED project research: La ricerca svolta nell’ambito del progetto: experimental setup and synthesis of research results. Implications of the tangible digital storytelling methodology in learning and inclusion needs. Fabio Filosofi. Researcher and trainer, ODFLab, Università di Trento.
- 17:10
- Intervention by expert teacher (online). “L’albero magico e le infinite direzioni del narrare” Federica Matteini. Teacher at Rodari School, IC3 Modena.
- Intervention by expert teacher (online).“Raccontare gli antichi egizi in lingua inglese – CLIL e i-Theatre” Marzia Tollari. Teacher at King, Primary School IC3 Modena.
- Intervention by expert teacher (online). “La strega camomilla” Ilenia Soardi. Teacher at Insegnante XX Primary School, IC Aldeno-Mattarello (TN).
- 18:30: Open questions and discussion
- 19:00: Workshop closing
Federico Albiero – Designer and expert in new technologies at the service of learning and collaboration processes, trainer in courses aimed at teaching / learning mediated by digital technologies.
Fabio Filosofi – PhD in Psychological and Educational Sciences at the University of Trento, trainer of support teachers and primary school classroom teachers, expert in theater and inclusion.
Federica Matteini – kindergarten teacher, I.C. Modena 3
Marzia Tollari – primary school teacher, English specialist, I.C. 3 Modena
Ilenia Soardi – teacher of Italian, history, geography, movement educatin and music at the Aldeno dell’I.C. Aldeno-Mattarello primary school. Specializing in support, in recent years, focusing training interest on the inclusive potential of new technologies.